Metal Carport Customization

A metal carport or garage can have a wide range of uses, from protecting your vehicle to providing a safe and secure workshop. Here at Elephant Structures, we offer our customers many options in metal carport customization. Our heavy-duty 12 gauge framing, windows, lean-tos, and walk-in and garage doors allow each client to find their perfect building. You can see our entire selection of metal carports, barns, and commercial buildings in our online shop. We are happy to cater to our customers desires and demands at every step of the design and building process. However, metal structures also make it easy for anyone to make their own modifications to fit their specific needs.

customized metal carport

Mulligan’s Run Carport Conversion Project

Mulligan’s Run Farm decided to take this hands-on, DIY when looking for a stable to house their horses. They started with an 18’ x 20’ rounded-eave carport with 5’ legs. While enclosing the walls with 5/4” x 6” treated lumber, they caulked the top of each board before attaching the next. This ensured a watertight finish that will keep both animals and supplies safe from the elements.

interior barn customization

Continuing the customization on the inside of the newly enclosed carport, dividers were built and stalls were created. Each stall is approximately 6’ x 7’. While this may seem small, the largest mare at Mulligan’s Run still has room to roll over and find comfort. Horses are seldom kept in their stalls for very long. They enter twice a day for feeding and are only left in overnight if they are ill or in the case of inclement weather. The end result is a spacious barn with three 6’ x 7’ stalls and one 6’ x 14’ stall. It also includes one tack room with a 6’ aisle down the center. This layout provides more than 250 square feet to house livestock and equipment. You can visit here to see pictures and more details regarding this project design and construction. More information on Mulligan’s Run Farm can also be found at this site.

Customization Possibilities

While Elephant Structures did not supply this original carport, our quality and affordable buildings would be perfect for any project. Mulligan’s Run was able to fully utilize the space and function of their carport, modifying it to best fit their specific needs. Looking to purchase a simple carport or add-on to one of our quality structures? Let our specialists help you find the best product to accommodate your home or business requests. We have been constructing metal buildings for decades and have the quality and expertise to best assist you.

Release and publication of photographs and information authorized by Heather Williams.

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